Water-Mediated Interactions Between Hydrophobic and Ionic Species in Cylindrical Nanopores

Image credit: G. Reddy


We use Metropolis Monte Carlo and umbrella sampling to calculate the free energies of interaction of two methane molecules and their charged derivatives in cylindrical water-filled pores. Confinement strongly alters the interactions between the nonpolar solutes and completely eliminates the solvent separated minimum (SSM) that is seen in bulk water. The free energy profiles show that the methane molecules are either in contact or at separations corresponding to the diameter and the length of the cylindrical pore. Analytic calculations that estimate the entropy of the solutes, which are solvated at the pore surface, qualitatively explain the shape of the free energy profiles. Adding charges of opposite sign and magnitude 0.4e or e (where e is the electronic charge) to the methane molecules decreases their tendency for surface solvation and restores the SSM. We show that confinement induced ion-pair formation occurs whenever lB/D∼O(1), where lB is the Bjerrum length and D is the pore diameter. The extent of stabilization of the SSM increases with ion charge density as long as lB/D<1. In pores with D≤1.2 nm, in which the water is strongly layered, increasing the charge magnitude from 0.4e to e reduces the stability of the SSM. As a result, ion-pair formation that occurs with negligible probability in the bulk is promoted. In larger diameter pores that can accommodate a complete hydration layer around the solutes, the stability of the SSM is enhanced.

J. Chem. Phys., 2009, 130, 094502
Govardhan Reddy
Govardhan Reddy
Associate Professor